Tuesday, August 16, 2011

6 months old

Caroline is 6 months old today!

6 Month Stats:

Weight:  19 lbs, 12 oz (95th percentile)
Length:  28 inches (97th percentile)
Head Circumference:  43.75 cm (78th percentile)

Caroline, we love you so much.  Our lives became infinitely better the day you entered this world.  You are the cutest, smiley baby I've ever known.  You watch your brother's every move and laugh out loud at his silly antics. 

In your first 6 months, you've learned to roll over, reach for and play with toys, and are working on your sitting skills (getting closer to sitting up on your own).  Aside from being hungry or tired, the only time you cry is when we put you down.  You LOVE to be held (almost all the time).  You eat a mixture of rice cereal and vegetables/fruits every day and have learned to love it.  You go to bed early, and wake up early.  The waking is hard sometimes, but it allows me to cuddle in bed with you for an hour or two and I wouldn't trade that time for the world.  Some of my favorite features of yours are the dimple on your left cheek when you smile, your long slender fingers, and your fuzzy head of hair (which is now mostly blonde).

You adapt to whatever we are doing and wherever we are going, and usually smile your way through the day.  I adore your sweet little disposition and love that you bring happiness to everyone you encounter.

Happy 1/2 Birthday!  We love you so very much!

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